selfish this way. and maybe i am self centered or i could be right
i try to be a good friend but staring back at myself i know i need the
work. a lot of people are telling me how i've changed, how i've become
this bitchy defensive girl. this never used to be me but then again,
when it wasn't i was everyones door mat. maybe i'm not as bitchy as you
think i am.. maybe i'm just finally feeling my backbone.
don't come to me for advice i'm a bitch. you'll come to me with a cut
and leave with a gushing wound because i see now that i can't always
sugarcoat to make people smile. it backfires
so don't you all taste the bitter sweetness of reality. this is what
many of the people i chose to surround myself made of me. i rely on me..
on only me. i stand up for me i live for me.. i don't need a sappy
boyfriend/girlfriend to do shit with to share anything with because
mostof it is bullshit anyway.
i'm not a negative person i'm actually very positive.. i just don't live
on fantasy fucking island anymore.
if you really think i'm a mean person, you're doomed
-- elle
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