Monday, January 19, 2009

it is sick how much i love my animal.

school tomorrow & so much snow! dont want to leave my house :(
i am forcing myself to stay awake but i have no creamer for my coffee
and i am being stubborn. i guess i have no choice but to drink shit
coffee and stay awake.
someone said something to me that made me realize how i am just
beginning my life
"it's not about what you want to do when you grow up anymore, it's about
how you're going to do it now"
i'm not "grown up" but fuck i hate making crazy decisions. i've thinking
about taking a year off, getting an apartment with mikey and a job..
saving up for some school next year since i have no money for anything
and no one wants to hand a chick with shit grades thousands of dollars.
i'd literally have to be a fucking genius and suck a lot of important
dick at this point.. but since i never show up to class and have no
interest in the male genitalia or.. any genitalia for that matter.. i'm

there's bound to be something out there for me. i'm not a druggie, i'm
not stupid, i dont have any children, i've never been in trouble with
the law.. god has to cut me some kind of fucking break right??????

jeeze oh petes

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