Wednesday, June 25, 2008

not the christmas ham

today was one of the best days i've had in a while and one of the weirdest as well.

estef and mikey came by, two people i was really excited to see. we hung out on my porch for a while before mikey had to leave and estef went up to see my new apartment and was the first person besides me to use the bathroom haha. love her. we talked for a while.. about deep things, things i don't usually talk about with people. but there was a good energy about it. we learn a little more about each other each day. i think it's a vigorous friendship, she's probably one of the most, if not THE most, loyal people i have ever met in my life. she is the kind of friend who will stick by you no matter what, stick up for you no matter what the cost.. i can honestly say i have never met another person like her, it's astounding. i never even knew someone like that existed. she's the only person who knew how i felt when everyone thought i was completely fine, the only one... it's illusory. i love her to death.

and then i learn more..i know a girl, a friend of mine. you put her through things you shouldn't put a person through. you're a fake, you're a snake.
one day i hope she realizes what you are and maybe when she sucks out the poison from her life.. you'll finally disappear. i can only hope..
she deserves what you lack. sketchy scum fuck.

but tonight took my mind off of how pitiable/crazy/idiotic people have the propensity to be..
mikey can over at around 2:30am out of nowhere. he tends to do that, he's a spurofthemoment type of kid.
there haven't been many people in my life like him.. it's different for me, he lets me be myself.
he was tipsy..and high i think too. shit like that doesn't matter nor bother me. do what you want, you have one life to live. live it to the fullest, have no regrets when you're on your deathbed.
we sat on my steps. ate tamales.. talked shit haha.
i have the biggest mickey mouse shirt on ever. it's my favorite, including all of the rips in odd places.
we went across the street to the cemetery.. and ran back in the street as weird walking zombies. cars loved it. i was sidekicking it with silva the whole time.. mikey ended up chasing me into my yard and grabbed me up. eaten by a zombie!!
He left bruises on my arms
i kept jumping out behind the tree and screaming at cars.. dancing in the street.... lying in the street..
mikey almost got run over<3
666 is all over my sidewalk in orange writing.
stupid teenagers, when will we ever fucking learn.

i needed this. i needed to be around people who do appreciate me. not saying that the rest of my friends don't, but it's nice to see those who do. my cheeks are red and i'm more alive than i think i am. my heart is young, so is my head. i am under the influence of ignorance and i am loving every fucking second of it. i am finding who i am.

i have no charger which means i have no phone
i lost my other lip ring and it's also nowhere to be found..
birthday is in 1 week, new phone in 4 days

have fun in LA/disneyland silva!! send all the nudes to me. don't steal and call me crying. PUSSY.

xo the one who never sleeps

1 comment:

spooky couture said...

i love you you mean old bitch<3